“How to raise happy teens?” is a very common question among parents of teens. Thousands of participants in many parenting workshops see happiness and confidence as the most precious gifts parents can give their kids. Teen Coaching may be the way for you.
Parents want their teens to be confident and happy with themselves, responsible with their health, have good social skills and strong relationships, be successful and enthusiastic with their schooling and careers and be competent with money.
If parents were fairies blessing their kids with spells for the future, they would choose love, health, faith, confidence, wisdom and happiness. When teenagers grow up to have all of these, there is not much else they need.
Consider Teen Coaching
Unfortunately, without teen coaching (and/or parent coaching), many teens are not happy, nor are their parents. Most parents want to give, but their teens just do not know how to accept their advice, support, care and wisdom.
To be happy, teenagers need to take charge of their life, grow their confidence, become people-magnets, improve their lifestyle and follow their dreams. Most of them are too scared or too confused to take charge.
Instead, they experience a traumatic period in their life and can be deeply troubled. Their parents are so scared of those teenage years that they regard the phrase “happy teen” as an oxymoron.
But it is not.
When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years.
At Be Happy in LIFE, with years or practice and thousands of happy clients, including teen coaching clients and their parents, we know that raising happy teens is not a fantasy but can be easily done. So if you want to learn how to have a happy teen and help your own child find the formula to be happy in life, keep reading…
One of most difficult things for teens to do is ask for help. Most of the time, the emotional struggles they face at that age prevent them from treating the adults in their life as resources.
If you asked teens what they would like to change in their life, they would probably tell you about many things they want to change, but they do not know how to do this. After not knowing how to change for a while, they become frustrated and feel helpless. This is when the adults in their life have a responsibility to help them make that change.
For people to change, they need to find their strengths and use them to overcome challenges. Many times, it is the perception of the resources they have around them that will determine their strength in meeting these challenges. When teens feel they have many resources they can call upon when they need help to change, they become more confident.
However, if they feel unresourceful, they tend to do many silly things.
Teens are not born with the understanding that they have the power to change their life. Even if their parents plant this power in their mind at a young age, when they are hit by hormonal changes, pimples and other physical transformations, they feel as if they have lost control.
Feeling like they have less control over these things, teenagers begin to feel they cannot change anything anymore, no matter how much they want to. In many senses, teens are like the little elephant.
The Little Elephant
One day, a boy went to the circus with his father and saw a huge elephant tied to a tiny stake with a rope.
“Daddy”, asked the boy, “This Elephant is so big and strong and the stake is so small and short, he could set himself free just by taking two steps to the side. Why doesn’t he do it?”
And his father said, “My son, when this elephant was very small, just a baby, he did try to break away from this stake, but he wasn’t strong enough. He tried and tried for months, until he finally gave up, believing that it is impossible to break free.
Now, he doesn’t try anymore, because he doesn’t believe it’s possible. We are the same, my son. Many things happen to us at childhood, which we try to change, but then stop trying. Many of us are still tied with ropes to tiny stakes, just like this big elephant”.
During adolescence, things get so hard that many teens give up. They have many internal and external resources, but they do not know how to use them. Their world quickly becomes a place of great confusion and stress. They face conflicting demands between their parents, teachers and friends.
The messages they get through the media and from other sources, like internet forums and social sites, only confuse them more. If you ask teens, though they dedicate every bit of their energy to discovering their identity, they are not sure who they are.
I understand and get when kids and teenagers feel like they’re alone and it’s not going to get better. My advice is that there is a support system out there; there are a lot of people who have been through what you’re going through and are going through it now.
Teens, just like grownups, put enormous effort into changing their unhappy circumstances with the skills they have, but this leads them nowhere, because those skills (or the skills they are lacking) have brought them to this point in the first place. Sadly, continuous failure to change their life causes teens to give up on success, having good relationships and taking responsibility for their health.
Like the little elephant, they start to compromise and give in to the circumstances that take away their happiness. They just give up and live an unhappy and unfulfilled life, believing this is their destiny.
But it is not.
Living with an angry, unhappy, frustrated, rebellious and disrespectful teen is not your destiny either, so keep reading.
Ask your teen these questions:
“Five years from today, who will you be if you don’t make a change TODAY?”
“Five years from today, who will you be if you make your move NOW, find a guide and take some action?”
“Are you willing to let go of your fears and grow into the person you know you can be?”
Deep inside, we all have the right answers to these questions. In our heart, we know what we need to do but stress, confusion and pain clutter our thinking. Teens are just on the way to adulthood and if they do not learn the skills to manage the overwhelm and gather the strength to make a change, they will grow up to be unhappy adults living without these skills.
At the start of the Be Happy in LIFE teen coaching program, teens say they know what has brought them into the situation they are in. They mostly blame others for their problems and they have no clue how to get their life untangled.
Yet, with the right guidance and plenty of encouragement, they gather confidence, determination and take responsibility over their future.
Teen coaching is the gateway to any future teens desire, where self-confidence, love, success, health and wealth are part of their everyday life.
A lot of the problems teenagers go through, it’s better for them to go through them on their own. If you always have a crutch, you don’t learn anything
The Be Happy in Life Teen Coaching Program – “A+” in Happiness
Most teens cruise through life and react to uncomfortable situations, rather than having a clear vision of their desired life and pursuing that vision. At Be Happy in LIFE, we believe that happiness is a learned skill that, unfortunately, we do not learn in
school. We believe that starting early is essential, that everyone can be happy and that we have the right lessons and the right teachers to teach happiness. Using our teen coaching program, your teen gets an “A+” in Happiness.
Let’s face it, most of teen’s problems are with themselves and only later create problems with others. Something there does not work the way they want it to work and for teenagers, it can be devastating. Teen coaching is a journey teenagers take on their quest for achieving their goals and dreams.
A teen coach is someone who helps them take that journey and guides them through the learnings they need in order to keep moving forward, stay on track and achieve success and happiness. In teen coaching, they learn to understand themselves and establish good relationships with themselves and with others.
Don’t laugh at a youth for his affectations; he is only trying on one face after another to find a face of his own
It is very important to note that life coaching is a trendy name for something that has been around for many years – personal development. Teens can benefit greatly from growing and developing in the right direction, because life is an ongoing process of growth and progress. Every teen has the potential of being happy and successful.
Personal development with the help of a teen coach is an effective way of achieving it.
Life coaching is like a professional friendship that helps teens to achieve their dreams and desires. If all their life, teens have been told that life was not about what they wanted, the teen coach is there to change that thought and teach your teen to want and use those aspirations as a guide.
Teen coaching is not for every teen. It is suitable only for teens that want to achieve something and are able to look forward. It is only for teens who want to be coached. If your teen is not ready for teen coaching, you can trust the coach to let you know this and refer you and your teen to other services that may suit your needs better.
The relationship between the teen and the life coach will determine the success of the life coaching program. The coach will study the teen’s circumstances, beliefs and values and adjust the program to the teen’s needs and goals.
Whatever the teen wants to achieve is OK and every desire is accepted as an honest one. The coach will help the young person find emotional blocks and help get their life flowing forward again.
Adolescents are not monsters. They are just people trying to learn how to make it among the adults in the world, who are probably not so sure themselves
The coach will be in contact with your teen between sessions, encourage them to practice their new tools and empower them to take small steps forward towards their goals achievement and success.
Overwhelmed by obligations (“musts” and “shoulds”), many teens blame others or their circumstances in order to be able to cope with their less-than-ideal situation. This is a trap, which only reinforces the situation and increases their feeling of being out of control.
At Be Happy in LIFE, we believe that when people are clear about what they want, they are able to focus and align their energy towards their goals and have a smooth ride. Our life coaching clients learn to dream big and to want good things.
It is like stepping into a magic zone, where many happy things happen to them and, like a ripple effect, influence all those around them. We do believe that happiness is contagious!
Consider this: when kids are young they learn from their environment and the people around them how to navigate through life. They develop certain habits and thoughts that were useful at the time when they learned them.
Unfortunately, life is forever changing and evolving and what was right for them years ago no longer helps them as teenagers and they find it hard to navigate life under different circumstances.
Imagine your teen using an old map to find their way in a city. Things have moved on and it is tough navigating that way. But what if you gave them this year’s map? Better yet, what if you gave them a GPS with automatic map updates? Using childhood beliefs is like using an old map and life coaching helps get an up-to-date map and shows teens how to be confident, responsible and happy, like an emotional GPS.
The rules for parents are but three… love, limit, and let them be
As it turns out, teens and adults have many old thoughts in their heads, which have become part of who they are. Keeping these thoughts makes them view the world as a hard, unfair and sometimes cruel place, which makes it hard for them to be happy and fulfilled.
At Be Happy in LIFE, we believe that everyone has the right to be happy. After coaching for many years and helping thousands of people achieve success and happiness, we are confident your teen can be happy too with our help.
As part of the teen life coaching program, the teen coach will show your teen how to create new habits, new thoughts, new desires, new values, new needs and a better, happier life.
Our teen life coaching program was written by Ronit Baras, the creator of the Be Happy in LIFE programs, who is an expert in emotional intelligence, has 26 years of experience and has written a book about teenagers.
In this program, teens are introduced to many research-based time- and stress-management techniques, the art of motivation, mind power, the science of human behaviour, meditation, the psychology of communication, relationship building and business development.
The program uses Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) methods to eliminate undesirable thinking patterns that create challenges in the teen’s life and limit success and happiness. NLP is very successful as it helps to deal with the subconscious mind.
The teen coach shows teen clients how to use every technique on themselves and those around them, making it easy for them to apply them whenever they feel their conscious and subconscious minds getting out of sync.
In the Be Happy in LIFE teen coaching program, teens learn assessment tools to discover where they are and where they are heading.
They identify the source of their beliefs, recognise their impact on their life, examine their validity and eliminate them if they think they are “unhealthy” or not useful. In their place, they choose new beliefs that promote success, abundance, relationships, support, love and good communication and happiness.
The teen clients update their “map” and upgrade to fast tracking devices that will get them to their destination faster.
The program helps teens find strengths from within and teaches them how to stay strong and focused even if life is not happening exactly the way they wanted by using their own wishes as a guide.
Not what their parents want for them. Not what their friends or their teachers want. Not even what their life coach wants for them. What they want! And they gain control over their mind, their body and their spirit for life.
Be Happy in LIFE teen coaching is a future oriented program. We do not focus on the past, we do not look for labels, we do not search for people or circumstances to blame for the unhappiness in life. Instead, teenagers assess their situation, dream, plan their journey and start moving forward.
Think of it as a driving course. If they drive looking backwards, they will have lots of accidents, but if they look forward most of the time and only look in the rear-view mirror from time to time, they will arrive at the destination safely.
The young coaching clients learn that we all have pain from our past, but we can still succeed in life and be happy. We just need to look forward.
We learn at every session how to handle obstacles and setbacks, how to establish positive thinking and how to monitor growth with a new set of beliefs, values and rules to help us reach our goals quickly, while enjoying the journey along the way. The past in this program has no power to determine our future.
This is the place to say that teen coaching is not for everyone. It is suitable only for teens that want to achieve something and are able look forward. People’s emotional state can be in one of two places: Discovery or Recovery. Teens who are in Discovery are aware of what has happened to them in the past and are willing to make way for the new person they can be.
Teens in Recovery cannot do that. They are blaming and angry and may need a help from a psychologist. For a person in recovery, life coaching may be too demanding, because they see their emotions as part of their identity and they are not ready to let them go.
It is important for each person who considers using a life coach to examine this belief before taking the program. The coach’s task is to help the client look and move forward constantly, and if someone is not ready to move forward, this will only increase their frustration.
Before your teen starts the Be Happy in LIFE teen coaching program, they will go through an online self-assessment that will help them and their coach determine if this program is suitable for them. The act of completing this self-assessment itself shows a positive attitude and those who complete it are better prepared for their first session.
Integration is an essential ingredient for the success in this program. Have you even been to a seminar, read a book or learned something that was very exciting, but after a week, faded away? We structure our program for full integration of what is learned back into everyday life, so that it never fades.
How do we do it? During every session, teen clients apply their new knowledge. They face the hard questions and answer them (with their coach’s guidance). They document their success in a journal and develop a new and empowering routine.
Most importantly, they choose some challenging actions to take in-between sessions, which get them, step by step, from where they start to being who they want to be.
One needs courage to say “I am not the ‘me’ I want to be”
There are two main formats for teen life coaching: Free Flow and Structured. In a free flow session, teens discuss with their coach any area that needs adjusting. At the end of the session, they can come up with a list of action steps that will help them move forward.
Structured coaching follows a written program, which the teen and the coach use during the session, and they can use after the session and keep referring to whenever they need a reminder.
We have decided to go with the a written program, because we believe that reinforcement, follow up activities and the ability to go back and reflect on what has happened in their life coaching sessions are the best way to make sure teens do not fall back into old thoughts and habits.
We have clients who finished their programs years ago and we can still refer them to sessions in their life coaching “manual” to overcome new challenges.
We have also found out that teaching our clients the life coaching techniques we use contributes to their success, because they adopt a life coaching mentality and can become their own life coaches long after they have finished coaching with us.
One big challenge for many parents who send their teens to teen coaching is that they cannot control the outcome. We have added into the teen life coaching program many activities that encourage teens to share their journey and practice their new skills with friends and family, which keeps parents informed.
This approach has been the core of our program. We teach teens not only how to be happy, responsible and confident, but also how to help those around them to be happy. We believe this is why our program is so successful.
At Be Happy in LIFE, we do not believe that one size fits all. We believe we are all unique individuals and what suits one person does not necessary suit others. Before meeting their teen coach, clients complete an online self-assessment, which helps tailor the program to their needs and preferences. During every session, they have other chances to discuss the approach that suits their style and situation best.
There are over 25 sessions in the Be Happy in LIFE teen coaching program, but no teen needs them all. Most of our teen clients go for up to 5 sessions. To help them stay motivated and incorporate their learning into their daily life, we have designed the program to increase the gaps between the sessions gradually.
- The gap between sessions 1 and 2 is about 2 weeks.
- The gap between sessions 2 and 3 is about 3 weeks
- The gap between sessions 3 and 4 is about 4 weeks.
It takes about 3-4 months to complete 5 sessions and this is roughly what our clients experience. Even clients who want to speed up the process and meet every week end up extending the gaps between the sessions as they feel more empowered.
We believe this is a healthy process and a sign of growth, independence and confidence, so around session 4, we encourage our clients to take control over their growth and development and determine how frequently they would like to meet.
Since not everyone is the same and not everyone wants to increase the gaps between life coaching sessions, the coach is always available by email or phone to discuss the best time to meet next. If things happen between sessions and teens need to see their life coach earlier, they can contact their coach and re-schedule their session to suit their needs.
We offer a shorter introductory life coaching session to those who are not sure whether they want to do the program. This session covers all the aspects of the program and how it can be suited to the client. This session can be done with a parent.
Each coaching session takes about 1.5 hours, although we ask that you allow for 2 hours when arranging to drop your teenager off and pick them up, in case we have something important to complete (which sometimes happens). We think that time should never be the reason we stop a good and healthy experience.
Many coaching practices require clients’ commitment by charging for sessions in advance. This is against our values and against what we believe life coaching is all about. Life coaching is meant to give clients a sense of control over their life and designed to ease their pressure.
If parents pay in advance and use this to push their teens to attend the sessions to justify the expense, it defeats the purpose of the coaching, which is being responsible and happy.
This is why we have a “pay as you go” philosophy. At the end of every session, you pay for that session and decide with your teen whether you wish to continue. We want teenagers to schedule each session only if they believe they will benefit from it. This way, you both have the freedom to finish the coaching whenever you want.
Our goal is actually to help teens finish their life coaching program as soon as possible. We think that change can happen very quickly and many people just do not know how to recognise it. Being in continuous therapy only reinforces the thought “Something is wrong with me” and brings more sadness, frustration and misery.
We do not believe teens need life coaching in order to fix them. They do not need fixing; they need guidance, confidence and empowerment. Some teens reach their goals after 3 or 4 sessions and there is no reason for them to continue with their coaching. We encourage our clients to finish their program as soon as possible and celebrate their success.
If the teen wishes, the coach will stay in contact with them long after they finish the program. We still have regular contact with clients who used our programs over 26 years ago.
What Will My Teen Get from the Be Happy in LIFE Teen Coaching Program
As you would expect, everyone wants something different and everyone’s results are different, but after many years of work and research and feedback from many clients, we can confidently say that the benefits of doing the Be Happy in LIFE Teen coaching programs are enormous.
Each of the benefits in itself can change your teen’s life from blaming to responsibility, from conflict to caring, from depression to motivation, from confusion to clarity, from failure to success and from misery to happiness.
Coaching with us may give your teen (and perhaps even you) any or all of the following benefits:
A great sense of achievement
All our clients believe they have achieved something during their coaching program. Following our teen clients’ years after they have finished their coaching has proven to us that their achievements last a lifetime and often have a positive effect on many aspects of their life and many people around them.
Good time management skills
Teens with time management challenges report that they are more efficient and make better use of the 24 hours a day everyone has. This usually has a direct impact on their academic achievements and results in a sense of control over their life.
More free time
Better time management always results in more free time to have fun, to spend with family and friends, to travel, to pursue hobbies and even to relax and enjoy reading a good book.
A positive outlook on life
As this program is about helping people achieve happiness, our teen clients develop a positive outlook on life, which is essential for their future experiences of life. Since what we focus on grows, this positive outlook brings a lot more positives into their life.
More self-confidence
Life coaching builds self-confidence by being a positive experience, by being a success experience and by working directly on the way the teens perceive themselves. At the end of their coaching, teens feel worthy, empowered and unstoppable, which is exactly what their parents want for them.
Improved focus
Confusion is a big part of teens’ lifestyle, when life happens to them and they do not know what needs to be changed. Life coaching teaches teenagers how to discover what is important to them and how to get it. All our teen clients report increased clarity and focus at the end of their coaching program.
Higher energy
Initially, many of our teen coaching clients feel a lack of energy and find it hard to cope with their daily life, not to mention pursue their dreams. Anxiety, fear and stress often drain them of their power. After their life coaching, many of them report an increase in energy due to better energy management and positive emotional state.
More money
Although we may not like to admit it, money can buy happiness. All our clients, even those who are wealthy, want more money. Most of our teen coaching clients feel they don’t have enough money and use it to justify much of their misery. The skills and tools in the Be Happy in LIFE teen coaching program help them increase their value, earn more or manage what they already have better and set them up to be in the small part of our society that will be financially stable.
A good understanding of themselves and their feelings
Let’s face it, most of our problems in life are either with ourselves or with others. We are emotional beings and understanding our feelings and our behaviour is essential for any change to take place. During the teen years, the search for our identity starts and most teenagers feel confused and overwhelmed.
Their attempt to understand and express themselves seems awkward and is a source of many conflicts between them and the world around them. All our clients report that the deep understanding of how they operate was the key to their success.
Useful techniques for managing emotions
The Be Happy in LIFE Teen coaching program is a course in emotional intelligence. A key idea behind this course is that everyone can learn simple, effective methods to recognise and manage emotions and the sooner the better. All of these techniques have been thoroughly researched and perfected by the greatest psychologists and human behaviour professionals and we believe this information needs to be available to all.
We have adjusted the techniques to any possible level and are very proud to make our coaching available to all regardless of age, gender, faith, culture or ability. This is why we also publish free articles with tips and advice on being happy (you are welcome to subscribe to get them by email).
Appreciation for the change process, not just the outcome
Many teens think that happiness is a destination. The say, “I will be happy when I reach my goal”. In the program, they come to realise that happiness and “only when” do not go hand in hand. We believe this is a source of unhappiness.
Happiness is easy to reach and all of our clients complete the program thinking, “I can be happy all the way to my goal”. Happiness is a state of mind. We want teens to adopt this state of mind long before they enter adult life and become trapped by conditional happiness.
A good understanding of communication styles
As part of our course on human behaviour our teen clients learn about communication styles and our feedback forms are full of statements about better communication. Teens learn to recognise their preferred communication channel and to handle different styles of communication without friction and conflict.
This ability sets them up for a better future with excellent communication skills. We pride ourselves on bringing 26 years of experience in dealing with different communication styles into this program, for mending many broken hearts and for inspiring excellence.
A good understanding of love languages
Many conflicts teens have with those around them are a result of their basic desire to be loved. In the Be Happy in LIFE Teen coaching program, teens learn about the differences between people’s love languages and how to use this knowledge to improve communication. This session brings our teen clients closer to their parents, siblings, family members, friends, teachers and themselves.
A positive outlook on relationships and other people
Relationships are essential to success, health and wealth. All our teen clients improve their relationships with their parents, develop their human interaction skills and sort out issues with family members, friends and colleagues. When this load is off their chest, they are free to move forward faster and relationships become a great source of support and joy.
Good stress management skills
Stress is a big killer in our society and teens are under enormous pressure. Their inability to handle this pressure is the source of all their conflicts in life. In the Be Happy in LIFE Teen coaching program, we teach them easy, proven techniques to identify stressors and eliminate them in a calm and peaceful way.
Ability to spend time on personal development
As our teen coaching program is all about personal development, most parents who send their teens consider it an investment in their teens’ future. All the teens that finish the program understand how personal development adds massive value to their life and to their future and appreciate the importance of taking care of themselves forever.
Better understanding and acceptance of self and others
An important part of the Be Happy in LIFE Teen coaching program, as an emotional intelligence program, is the ability to understand and accept yourself and others. Our teen clients learn to work with the world around them, rather than aim to change the world or fight against it, which is what most teens do.
There is a lot of calm and freedom in acceptance and forgiveness and during the process, a huge load is lifted and allows them to move forward. We offer four different sessions dedicated to achieving this and most of our clients make the biggest changes after the first one.
A sense of belonging
Most teens see themselves as different mainly because they are. Because the focus of this life coaching program is on keeping the teens’ individuality and not compromising with what others want them to be, they learn to recognise those who are similar to them.
We are very successful in passing the message “No matter how different you have been all your life, no matter how horrible and unique your circumstances have been, there are people out there who have had it worse and succeeded, so you can do it too”.
Life coaching skills and a life coach mentality
In the Be Happy in LIFE Teen coaching program, we teach our clients life coaching techniques and incorporate activities to help develop a life coach mentality. At the end of their life coaching, our clients, regardless of age, are able to coach those around them. Remember, life coaching is the art of facilitating change, not pushing change. All our clients can do this within the level of their training.
Better relationships with family and friends
With the ability to understand, accept and support others, with better communication skills and with a life coaching mentality, all our clients improve their relationships with family and friends. We have feedback forms from clients’ family (that we have never met) for the change we have facilitated in their family member.
Increased level of understanding and responsibility
When they feel overwhelmed, unsuccessful, hurt and frustrated, many teens tend to blame others or circumstances for their problems. This only increases their sense of failure and prevents them from moving forward. When we replace blaming and justifying with taking responsibility, there is a huge shift in mindset and the result is progress and success.
Internal drive (self motivation)
We live in a society that is motivated by money, social pressure, fashion, status and an endless need to be loved and accepted by those around us. Teens do things to achieve these things, even if it means hurting themselves along the way. This is what we call “external motivation”, because we are guided by (perceived) pressure from others.
This mindset is very dangerous and unhealthy and results in constant stress. We believe that successful and happy teens have full control over their life because they are internally motivated, which allows them to think clearly and function according to their own values and needs.
More attractiveness on multiple levels
Most teens think that they need to work hard to be successful. We disagree! They need to be smart and focused. If they stress themselves, they cannot be attractive. In the Be Happy in LIFE Teen coaching program, we teach teens to become a people magnet. All of our clients who reach the 7th session report that others ask them, “What have you done to yourself? You look different”.
Some report this even earlier. Being attractive emotionally is a formula for success. If people get a good feeling hanging around someone, then they become supporters and with great supporters, it is easy to succeed.
Common things that prevent people from getting a teen coach
Now that you know why Be Happy in LIFE teen coaching is great, you may be thinking about how it could be possible for your teen (and you) to benefit from it. If you are concerned about the investment of time and money that is required, you are not alone. Here is what we say to our clients.
I don’t have enough money to pay for my teen’s sessions
We know that money is a resource that you work very hard for and it is not always easy to spend this money. Research shows that parents spend lots more when their children are angry, frustrated, emotionally troubled, perform poorly at school and behave badly, so the money you will use to help your child will be used anyway.
The question is only whether to spend it on setting your teen up for a strong, responsible, healthy, successful and happy future or using it to fix the weak, reckless, sick, and depressed future.
We believe it is better (and ultimately cheaper) to work on prevention and a good foundation than to try to fix and patch problems. Before coming to life coaching, some of our clients spent a fortune trying to help their children with tutoring, psychology sessions, assessments and trial and error therapies, all of which focused on fixing and patching rather than building a strong, solid foundation.
Most life coaching clients report a significant increase in income and savings, as well as quality of life. Otherwise, they would never have taken the second session.
Because there is no upfront payment, the payment is done per session and you schedule the following session as long as you and your teen feel you are getting value and it is well worth your investment.
Because the time between sessions increases as we go through the program, paying for becomes easier over time, averaging one session per month, which is affordable for most people.
People spend lots of money trying to feel better by eating out, smoking, drinking and shopping and your teen is just part of a society that searches for a better feeling through spending. If you added these up, you will see that life coaching stops the spending and keeps saving for life.
My teen is busy and doesn’t have enough time
Although we have the same 24 hours a day as everyone else does, we can use our time better through prioritising, focus, motivation and working well with others. Stress makes us unproductive, so life coaching frees us up to accomplish things by getting rid of stress.
Knowing what is important to us and knowing how to get the important things done first makes us even more productive still.
Teen coaching takes time. That is true. Apart from the sessions, they will have assignments to do at home to ensure they integrate their new learning into life and create permanent change. However, this investment of time is returned many times over.
After completing their life coaching, our teen clients report that their life is much more organised, so life coaching has gained them time, which they use for enjoyment, for their family and friends, and for learning and developing their skills even further.
What Will Teen Coaching Be Like?
Although we have different forms of coaching in our practice, our teen life coaching program can be delivered only one-on-one or in a group with Ronit Baras, the founder and creator of the Be Happy in LIFE programs.
One-on-One coaching
Your teen will meet their teen coach for a close and personal life coaching service. During each session, Ronit will present a new skill and work with your teen through exercises and activities, answering all their questions as they go along. Sessions are delivered face-to-face in a quiet, private place in Brisbane (Australia) or online via Teams/WhatsApp video conferencing.
This is our most effective and most personal option if you as a parent want to get the best, fastest and longest lasting results.
To make the most of your teen coaching, we recommend the “3+1” approach. This includes 3 sessions with the teens and 1 session with their parents. It provides the parents with specific life coaching tools allows them to support their teens at home.
Group Coaching
From time to time, we get request from schools and non-profit organisations to run a life coaching workshops for a group of teens. This is when your teen will be able to experience life coaching with other teens in a friendly atmosphere. Group life coaching also gives you the opportunity to learn from, and interact with, others in similar situations and form friendships with them.
We run teen coaching groups around the world by invitation only. Sessions are delivered face-to-face at a suitable location, based on the number of participants, or online via Teams/WhatsApp video conferencing.
Why Should I Choose Be Happy in LIFE for teen coaching?
The short answer is, “Because you want your teen to be happy, responsible, healthy, confident and successful, your want it fast and you want it to last“.
A teen coach can be someone who has done a weekend course or even a correspondence course without seeing one client face-to-face. We, on the other hands, have coached other life coaches, counsellors and psychologists and opened up the lives of many people.
We offer the experience of working with thousands of happy clients over the last 26 years, so you know you will get good results.
Some life coaches tend to work on their clients’ problems by helping them to analyse and understand each problem and listening to them as they vent. This gives the clients relief, but only until the next time something comes up. At Be Happy in LIFE, the focus is not on the problem but on the solution – a fast and lasting solution.
We focus on a good future for our clients, starting with goal setting, through finding strengths, aligning of values and beliefs, all the way to choosing life’s purpose and finding meaning. With our teen clients, it guarantees they will gradually build the skills to keep themselves motivated and enjoy whatever comes their way.
Our life coaching program is different from others in that we provide a manual that our clients can use years after they complete their program and we teach them the mindset of a life coaches.
More Information
- About your teen coach
- Frequently asked questions about teen coaching
- Teen coaching prices/cost
- Teen coaching testimonials
- If you want to become a teen coach, please visit our life coach training and life coach mentoring pages.
Take the First Step Now
Choose to help your teen be happy right now. Complete the form below to find out more.